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Showing posts from October, 2008

The New Old Masters

Old Masters style , originally uploaded by losmedanosart . Self portraits in David Tallitsch's "Introduction to Painting" class. Work by, Clockwise: Kris Basurto, Wiomy Sternbergh, Tony Gonzalez, and Pinky Navarro Students are using an old masters technique -- indirect painting -- where they use monochrome underpainting for value and composition, then add layers of opaque paint to build up light areas.

Drawing what you really see

drawing class 2 2008 , originally uploaded by losmedanosart . Rosalie Cassell's drawing class works on drawing what they see rather than what they think by observing a scene through a container of liquid. Roaslie says the lessons they've worked on in value, texture, perspective are starting to come together as they start on landscapes.  She'd say more, but she has to sprint to the Nature Preserve and help drawing students there.

Bill Leach drum extravaganza

Bill Leach (see the sidebar for more links) teaches cartooning at LMC as well as Deer Valley High School. But he's also a drummer (google results for " drummer jokes ") who ran a "World's Fastest Drummer contest. Here's a bit o' Youtube video from the contest that we lifted from his myspace site. Feel the need for more Bill? He has an " All about Bill " video too! It was created for cable TV by the Contra Costa Arts and Culture Commission when Bill was honored with their Arts Recognition Award in 2008.